MI Hope Inc. is a non-profit public charity formed in 1988 by parents of children with severe mental illnesses (Tax ID 33-0344475).
Research conducted by MI Hope over the last three decades has provided important insights into factors which impair the proper functioning of the brain.
Useful information was provided in the 2014 book entitled “Stealth Adapted Viruses; Alternative Cellular Energy (ACE) & KELEA™ Activated Water.” The research has steadily progressed to where an understanding of KELEA (Kinetic Energy Limiting Electrostatic Attraction) can benefit many aspects of human existence.
These now include: Providing a therapeutic approach to addressing the epidemic of illnesses attributed to infections with stealth adapted viruses; Potentially achieving an overall elevation of Emotional Health in all of humanity; Reversal of many human, animal, and plant disease; Markedly increasing agricultural productivity; Developing greater efficiencies in many industrial applications; Reducing levels of atmospheric pollution; and gaining a greater scientific understanding of Nature. The next are some of the current programs of MI Hope Inc. These are further described in the website.